The Purpose of the Voyage

Welcome everyone to "Videogame Voyager".
First and foremost, thank you to everyone checking
out this site. I hope you enjoy what you find here as
well as the things you read about my so called project.
And to any of my followers, thank you for joining me on
this voyage.

Systems that I currently own can be seen on the left and my "wish list" of systems are on the right.
As I find consoles and purchase them, the list will be altered accordingly.


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Games I Want


Super Mario Bros. 2
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: the Adventures of Link
Deja Vu
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Pro Wrestling


Mario Kart 64
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Golden Eye 007
Ogre Battle 64

Sega Genesis


Super Nintendo

Anything Mario
Anything Square

Monday, October 24, 2011

Retro Recall: Ocarina of Time (N64) Part 1

Since money is kind of tight at the moment, I have decided to a retro review until I go treasure hunting again. I was able to pick up The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time last week, and that is what my focus will be on. This may not be as much as a review as it is a fond remembrance as I play though this game again. Since I juggle fatherhood, husband duties, school, and work my updates may seem sparse. I have decided to break my retro recall as I will call it, into sections. Each section will be the events leading to, and what happens in a dungeon. I haven't played this game since it's release, so I can not say how many sections there will be. Why not go look it up? I don’t want to spoil anything. I want this play through and retro recall to be as magical as it was the first time.

Ahhh, the memories.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Future of Videogame Voyager

If you happen to follow me on twitter, you would have noticed a tweet earlier this week about holding of on shopping for a few weeks.  So what do I blog about until then?  After all, this project is following myself as I look for classic games and consoles.  The answer is simple, and it is the same answer that I gave to my brother when he asked me what I would do after I found and bought all the consoles on my want list.

While we all wait for my next trip to wherever I plan on trying to salvage some games and hopefully consoles, I will review older games.  Now I have never written a review before, so it should be interesting for both myself and you the readers.  The first game I have decided to review is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

It has been over ten years since I played this title.  Yet when I think about it, I still get goosebumps on my arms.  That's how great of a game I remember this being.  With that being said, I don't remember much of the specifics of the game, so I am hoping I am in for a treat as I replay and discover this game all over again.  

The plan for the review is to split it into sections, where as each dungeon will be a review.  Once completed, I will write a comprehensive review of the game.  I hope that you all will enjoy this, as I am looking forward to it very much.

Thanks for reading all, take care!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Two Birds In One Sale

This past week has been a waiting game of sorts. I ordered my new NES motherboard on Tuesday and counted down the days until it's arrival. As Friday's mail came in there was still no sign of it and I was starting to get bummed. My wife had been talking trash about here ultimate supremacy in Dr. Mario and I was ready to show her up. When Saturday rolled around, I began to get a bit nervous about whether I would receive my Motherboard that day. If I did not, there would be no retro gaming going on in the Evans' household this weekend. So I gave into my fears, and Saturday morning I was up before the sun, getting ready to scope out what I hoped would be a good score.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dissapointment Giving Way To Pride

If you have been keeping up with my blogs, then you know about the disappointment I felt when my NES decided it did not want to work. I was bummed, just as anyone else who had been looking forward to something so much would have been. To have a desire to want to experience something, and then to have that opportunity taken from you is horrible. At least you think it would be. I thought it was at first, but as time has moved on my feeling have began to change quite a bit.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The Good:  Score!  Not once did I think in only my second attempt of hitting up local garage sales did I think I would find what I had been looking for.  Yet this past Saturday that is exactly what happened.  As usual I had scouted out a few places on Craigslist that talked about having video games and consoles. In my last trip this turned out to be newer games and consoles.  This time it was different, this I had found it.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Game, No Way To Play

Near the house there is a small antique shop called The Trinket Box.  A few months back my wife and I were browsing this store looking for who knows what when I spotted an old Nintendo.  Looking back now, I wish I had picked it up.  It was bundled together with The Legend of Zelda and Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, and even had the zapper gun with it.  Due to this one run in with this Nintendo, I decided to go check this place out today. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Don't Judge a Game By It's Cover

I had been hoping to get this voyage off to a quick start.  This past Saturday I had hopes of finding some good games or consoles in a local neighborhood garage sale.  This sale was supposed to consist of twenty plus house.  In my thinking, I knew that I would be able to find something somewhere with all of those garage sales.  I had the wife convinced to get up and go with me, but as alarms went off it would turn out that surprisingly, both our boys were still asleep.  So Lindsey declined to stay asleep while I got ready.  This time, Id be going solo.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Good Lead Ends In Dissapointment

The videogame voyage began this past weekend.  I’d like to report that I am the proud owner of a new console, but unfortunately I cannot say that.  It did have some highs, but it also had its lows as well.  As I stated earlier my main goals are to find older consoles at garage sales, or swap meet, or flea markets.  So on Thursday afternoon I researched a bit on Craigslist to look for any garage sales in the area that contained older video games.  Low and behold, one advertised sale had a listing for a Nintendo, two Segas, and a Playstation 1.  I knew I had to check it out.